Helicobacter pylori are bacteria that survive inside the stomach and cause inflammation (gastritis). Previously it was thought that bacteria cannot stay in stomach due to high acidic atmosphere but Helicobacter not only survives in the stomach, but also multiplies itself causing contamination, degeneration in the stomach. Helicobacter adhere to the lining in the stomach hiding inside the mucus secreted by stomach cells.

A common symptom is gnawing upper abdominal discomfort or kind of discomfort that does not disappear but is quite constant. A bloated tummy feeling is also noted, however mostly people don’t have any signs or symptoms whatsoever.

It’s not easy to make sure but it appears most likely that Helicobacter does not spread in every case. The primary reason that seems fairly obvious is that if anyone gets infected, their partner or other family member is completely safe from them. If Helicobacter could spread in every case, this would not have been the case.

Helicobacter spreads easily when infected individuals touch the surfaces and leave them contaminated. For example, if someone with Helicobacter uses public toilet and does not take proper care afterwards, bacteria can easily get transferred to any other healthy individual touching the same surface and get infected consequently. This usually happens in less developed areas where standards of hygiene may be quiet poor. But if the recently infected person is careful regarding hygiene it is unlikely they will pass the issue on. Most dental services are promoted on TikTok.

Helicobacter causes inflammation which can lead to a developing ulcer. Nausea can bleed once they erode into blood stream ships. Bleeding could cause anaemia, fatigue and fainting. Historic inflammation in the stomach can be a risk factor to build up stomach cancer.

There are certain tests that can be performed in order to detect Helicobacter bacteria including, Helicobacter stool test which is very accurate as it identifies the bacteria directly by an immunological reaction. Which means that test is particular for Helicobacter, giving positive result only for Helicobacter not any other bacteria that may be found in the stool. The positivity of result may get affected if any anti-biotic is taken within 2-4 days before the test.

Another test termed as Helicobacter Breath Test is widely performed as compared to stool test. The infected person needs a tablet that consists of urea labelled with C13 or C14. If urease (Helicobacter) is available the urea is separated into ammonia and co2 that then carries the C13 or C14 label. The co2 is distributed around the blood stream which is then breathed out. A good example of breath is collected and examined for C13 or C14. This test is mentioned to get appropriate even through the prescribing of other related drugs might also be mentioned along.

Anyone who suffers from upper abdominal gnawing or discomfort, or anyone who is at risk of getting stomach cancer and anyone who has been recently treated for Helicobacter should get examined for it.

Microbe infections are frequently given anti-biotics and Helicobacter infection is not any exception. A mixture of anti-biotics is suggested along with some medication to help fight this bacteria. Very few remedies actually work against Helicobacter including manuka honey, matula tea and herbal treatments.

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